In an interview to Confartigianato, Gianmario Volpi tells us, for the first time, about the important project Studio Volpi has been working on in the past two years: a talent incubator to support local talent and the 'made in Italy' concept , starting from design, engineering and branding. It all started from the identification of a simple, yet strong need: that of uniting, under a single umbrella, the three disciplines just mentioned, which constitute the Studio's essence. Over the years, projects carried-out in Italy and abroad have multiplied, and with them the need for more work space. For this reason, two years ago, an old, 1952 warehouse was acquired in the vicinity of the Studio. These larger premises, currently being refurbishedr, will not only accommodate the new offices of the Studio, but also and foremost a "talent incubator".
The brightest young minds in the community will be offered a chance to develop their own projects, supported by the expertise and the know-how of the Studio's designers and engineers. This represents a concrete, great way of caring for and leveraging the community's resources both in terms of professional design skills and individuals' values and engagement.
The work is proceeding well and we hope to open the new building at the beginning of the coming year. Stay tuned! Studio Volpi Team
Perspectives Mar 30, 2020
Technological updating and the integration of an interconnected soul are turning modern professional kitchens into a perfect example of the 4.0 industry, where the product and its super digital powers become a tool to improve working conditions, enhance productivity, monitor the processes to achieve better results and create new business models