As I mentioned in my previous article, one of the main insights I learned from the Chinese situation is that the CoronaVirus outbreak exponentially accelerated the need for a speedy change and flexibility.
On one hand, many technologies, mind frames and business models are proving outdated. On the other hand, collaborations and partnerships are boosted by the extraordinary and unexpected circumstances we are living in.
Mind-setting and cultural approach to business is changing too at a forced speed.
Just a simple example:
Until a month ago, probably due of a very ancient cultural heritage, meeting face-to-face was crucial to build relationships with clients, suppliers or partners. History is made of hand-shakes, councils and conferences, as it is business. The archaic need to physically meet in order to trust each other was inevitable.
But since the end of February in Italy and in the rest of Europe we are living a time without precedents in history.
We have to establish partnerships and trusts digitally: without meeting in person, we have to build commitment trusting what we perceived through virtual meetings.
That’s why for someone CoronaVirus feels like being passengers on a plane hit by a turbulence. You can only fasten our seat belt, trust the pilot and the technology that makes the plane fly, and help the other passengers feel okay.
In these days we often hear the “we are in the same boat” leitmotiv.

The level of trust we are required in this special moment is something new for many entrepreneurs: it is pushing us towards the edge of our comfort zone. This new situation can teach us a lot. If very well assimilated - if we are able to switch-on a new level of trust - this new mind setting may be a strong advantage for us, but most of all for our society.
It can change an old mindset based on competitiveness culture to a culture of happiness and partnerships.
Since we are children we learn to compete each other. The more we learn, the more we think we don’t need the support of others. The more we experience, the more we are self confident. The more we are self confident and the less we need anyone else.
We are used to establish collaborations to take advantage of it together, but separately. We believe knowledge and experiences are tools to achieve victories and prizes, not resources to share.
Well and now what’s next?
If you asked me what is going to change after the CoronaVirus outbreak, I'd say I believe that change will affect relationships. How we connect with others: no longer through competition but through partnerships based on shared resources.
In one sentence, I believe the situation we are living will shift a culture based on mistrust into one rooted in trust.

We don’t need to win every challenge on our own, we deserve to build thriving partner-ships and be happy. To “fully trust" will be the competitive asset we can build our future on.
Purchasing departments, researchers, entrepreneurs, business men, governments will have to establish trust instead of compromising to win. Open-source projects, instead of “win-win” scenarios, will establish new business models. “Dual win” will replace “win-win” soon.
This is my point of view, what do you think the future business model will be like?
Perspectives Mar 30, 2020
Technological updating and the integration of an interconnected soul are turning modern professional kitchens into a perfect example of the 4.0 industry, where the product and its super digital powers become a tool to improve working conditions, enhance productivity, monitor the processes to achieve better results and create new business models